Recruitment TNI AL 2012 - ada lowongan
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Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Recruitment TNI AL 2012

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The role of the Indonesian Navy (Indonesian: Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Laut, TNI–AL) is to patrol of Indonesia's immense coastline, to ensure safeguard the territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), to protect Indonesia's maritime strategic interests, to protect the islands surrounded Indonesia and to defend against seaborne threats. The TNI AL is the largest navy in the region of South East Asia. It currently aims to become the most technologically advanced navy in the region.

Careers Indonesian Navy

All commissioned ships of the TNI-AL have the prefix KRI (in Indonesian, Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia), which means Republic of Indonesia warship. The Indonesian Navy at the moment has about 74,000 active personnel and more than 150 naval warships including attack submarines. (Source: Wiki)




Test Reference

Test TNI
Best Reference Guide TEST TNI Electronic Book

Recruitment TNI AL

Recruitment Personnel TNI AL

How to Apply
Please bring your CV and other support documents to
Lantamal and Lanal all over Indonesia in brochure address above


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