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Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Pertamina EP Recruitment

Company Profile

With average production growth rate of 6 – 7 percent per year, Pertamina EP is strongly optimistic to continue as the largest profit contributor for PT Pertamina Persero. This firm belief answers the challenge of increasing national oil and gas production from the government and the people.

PT Pertamina EP will likely to operate in an environmental sound manner, in becoming an acceptable company by the local community. This, is believed to be an ideal industry perspective. Moreover, excellent HSE implementation has also been our primary concern by far. That condition, will create a safe, convenient and dynamic community relation all through the operation activities.

PT Pertamina EP (PEP) is engaged in managing the upstream oil and gas production through a more manageable exploration and exploitation activities. Adding to that, PEP has been undertaking other supporting businesses, which have been intended to back up the main business directly or indirectly.

Presently, Pertamina EP production level for oil is around 120 throusand barrel oil per day (BOPD) and around 1,003 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) for gas.

Pertamina EP Working Areas of 140.000 km2 were once largely PT Pertamina (Persero)'s Oil and Gas Mining Authority Zone. The working areas are managed through own operation and partnership cooperation, comprise 3 contracts of Joint Operating Body Enhanced Oil Recovery (JOB-EOR) and 33 contracts of Technical Assistant Contract (TAC). Thus geographically, Pertamina EP operates in nearly all territory of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.

Pertamina EP Working Areas consist of three regions namely Sumatra, Java and Eastern Indonesia Regions. All JOB EOR and TAC operations are managed from Headquarter while own operations are managed by each region respectively.

The opration of those regions comprise 12 Field Areas, namely Rantau, Pangkalan Susu, Lirik, Jambi, Prabumulih and Pendopo in Sumatra, Subang, Jatibarang and Cepu in Java as well as Sangatta, Bunyu and Papua in Eastern Indonesia.

Beside the management of working areas as stated earlier, other business pattern is management through projects, such as gas development project of Pagar Dewa in South Sumatra, Gundih in Central Java and Matindok in Sulawesi.

The history of Pertamina EP is interconnected with the lengthy history of oil and gas quest around the archipelago which was started in early 19th century. Between 1871 to 1885 was early quest era until oil discovery in Dutch-occupied Indonesia. Following first drilling in 1883 at Telaga Tiga, Pangkalan Berandan, South Sumatra, Royal Dutch Company was established in Pangkalan Berandan in 1885. Since then, the exploitation of oil in the archipelago began.

During the East Asia war, oil production experienced a distortion. During Japan occupation, efforts were limited to rehabilitation of damaged fields and wells as the impact of war.

Oil production was discontinued during the war for independence. When it was over and the nation started to run more organized governance, control over oil business became less clear. Numerous small companies spurted to take advantage of oil fortune thus causing disputes. To subdue the disputes, control over oil was given to the Army.

To acnticipate it, the government established a national oil company on 10 December 1957 namely PT Perusahaan Minyak Nasional, PERMINA. In 1968, PERMINA merged with PERTAMIN and changed its name to PERTAMINA. To strengthen the new company, the government issued Law No. 8 in 1971, that positioned PERTAMINA as state-owned oil and gas company. The law obliged all oil companies interested in running their business in Indonesia to cooperate with PERTAMINA. This resulted in PERTAMINA to act as a regulator for partners who were under Cooperation Contract mechanism in PERTAMINA working areas. On the other hand, PERTAMINA also acted as operator who managed its own working areas.

Parallel to the dynamic shifts of the global and national oil and gas industry, the government issued Oil and Gas Law No. 22 /2001. Due to the law enactment, PERTAMINA status was changed into a State-Owned Enterprise and renamed as PT Pertamina (Persero). Consequently, the Company's role became an operator under Cooperation Contract with BPMIGAS as the government's representative. The law also urged PT Pertamina (Persero) to establish separate business subsidiaries so that the business of exploration, exploitation and production of oil and gas become more manageable.

It was on such ground that Pertamina EP was established on 13 September 2005. Then on 17 September 2005 PT Pertamina (Persero) signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with BPMIGAS, governing all oil and gas mining areas accordingly. Eventually, majority of those areas became Pertamina EP's working areas. At the same time, Pertamina EP also signed a Production Sharing Contract with BPMIGAS valid since17 September 2005.

Therefore, Pertamina EP's working areas are those previously managed by PT Pertamina (Persero), including those previously managed by PT Pertamina (Persero) through Technical Assistance Contract (TAC) and Joint Operating Body Enhanced Oil Recovery (JOB EOR) - (Source: Pertamina EP)

Vision, Mission and Values

Pertamina EP has split its visionary aspirations into a three-year strategic planning period:

Three-Year Development Plan I Vision (2006-2008): "Respectable Cost Effective and Efficient Oil & Gas Producer".
Three-Year Development Plan II Vision (2009-2011): "No.1 Oil & Gas Producer in Indonesia".
Three-Year Development Plan III Vision (2012-2014): "PEP World Class".

In order to achieve those visions, Pertamina EP states its mission as follow:

To run the oil and gas business efficiently, effectively, and within a safe and healthy environment, thus increasing value for the stakeholders.

Pertamina EP Excellence Values

In order to create a harmonious working environment, Pertamina EP workers always refer to commonly agreed basic values as excellence values. These excellence values are expected to build synergetic strength in order to become the propeller toward Pertamina EP World Class vision through Company's strategic mission. The values are guidance to realize Company's vision and mission, comprise Focus, Integrity, Visionary, Excellence and Mutual respect (FIVE-M).

In line with Pertamina EP's transformation program, FIVE-M values were further develop into FIVE-M GO PEP with additional values of Good Corporate Governance, Optimization, Personal Quality, Empowerment, Peerless Shareholder Value and Proper HSE.

Company Logo

Pertamina EP

Company Contact

PT Pertamina EP
Head office:
Standard Chartered Tower 21st - 29th Floor
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio No. 164
Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia
Phone : (62-21) 5797 4000
Fax : (62-21) 5797 4555
E-Mail :


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Available Positions

Career Pertamina EP

Pertamina EP workers are thoroughly and accurately selected professionals. The company continuously improves their capabilities to shape them into resilient workers who possess continuous competitive advantage, entrepreneurship spirit, high morale and professional.

High quality and morale is essential because Pertamina Ep workers are depended upon as the country's value creators. This is why human resource improvement in Pertamina EP is a necessity.

The development of human aspect at Pertamina EP emphasizes on the improvement of personal quality and empowerment with World Class People standars. The journey to achieve world class workers began with several projects at the beginning of transformation program such as Talent Management and Succession Planning.

Currently Pertamina EP Cepu Division is opening positions for:

Engineer Positions:
Please click the position below to read the job responsbility and job qualifications
  • Project Engineer
  • Petroleum Engineer
  • Electrical & Instrument Engineer
  • Project Planning Controller
  • Civil Engineer
  • Mechanical (Pipeline) Engineer
  • Drilling Engineer
  • Drilling Material Engineer
  • Drilling Operation Engineer
Non Engineer Positions:
  • Contract Specialist
  • Recruitment & Training Sr. Officer
  • HR Services Officer
  • Procurements, Office & Logistic Assistant Manager-General Services
  • Information Technology Assistant Manager
  • Corporate Stafety & Security Superintendent
  • Quality Management Officer
  • Budget Controller
  • Cost & Schedule Coordinator
  • Contract Gas Officer
  • Account Payable/Account Receivable Supervisor
  • Accounting Operation Supervisor
  • Treasury Officer

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