Rekrutment PKWT Bank Indonesia 2011 - ada lowongan
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Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Rekrutment PKWT Bank Indonesia 2011

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Bank Indonesia has one single overarching objective: to establish and maintain rupiah stability. This objective incorporates two key aspects: the first is a stable rupiah for goods and services, reflected by the inflation rate. The second is exchange rate stability against other foreign currencies, which is reflected by rupiah performance against other foreign currencies.

In terms of Bank Indonesia's roles and functions, accountability and transparency principles are applied through the regular and open publication of information to the public via the mass media, at the beginning of each year, regarding the evaluation of monetary policy implementation in the previous year, as well as monetary policy planning and the setting of monetary targets for the year ahead. Such information is also delivered in writing to the President and House of Representatives.

Whether as a public legal entity or as civil legal entity, the position of Bank Indonesia is regulated by the statutes. As a public legal entity, Bank Indonesia has the authority to issue policy rules and regulations, which are binding to the public - at - large. As a civil legal entity, Bank Indonesia is able to represent itself in and outside the court of law.

Bank Indonesia in this through the LM-FE UI opens an opportunity for Indonesian children who are gifted and have the potential to merge into a large family of employees of Bank Indonesia to fill the position of labor employment agreement specified time Architech Software currently available for the period 2011

If you have Integrity, Competence and Commitment BANK INDONESIA require you to fill a position that we offer via the online registration process simultaneously through the media of this Online Recruitment Center.

PKWT Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT) Software Architect


In general, the duties and responsibilities of the Software Architect at Bank Indonesia is as follows:

  • Assist System Analyst or Programmer in studying and analyzing the user requirements document submitted by the user
  • Assist System Analyst or Programmer to create and or review the design system in accordance with user requirements
  • Create a database design in accordance with the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD).
  • Creating flowcharts in programming modules.
  • Programming (coding) in accordance with the programming language that has been set.
  • Conducting integrated unit testing and system testing (SIT) to ensure all modules are developed is functioning properly.
  • Assisting the preparation of infrastructure for installation of programs that have been developed into a production machine.
  • Perform related documentation development and maintenance of applications.
For detail Information please refer to Bank Indonesia job Information below



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