Available subject areas
We are looking for students with expertise that matches our areas of research excellence. Applications are invited from qualified individuals in the following areas:
- Art, Design and Architecture
- Arts and Social Sciences
- Business and Law
- Health and Social Care Sciences
- Science, Engineering and Computing
- Stipend plus fees (full-time tuition fees at Home/EU level and a stipend at UK Research Council rates (£15,590pa) for a period of up to three years).
- Fees only (full-time tuition fees at Home/EU level for a period of up to three years)
- Part funded (full-time tuition fees Home/EU level plus a contribution towards a stipend for a period of up to three years)
Applicants should hold a minimum of UK honours degree at 2:1 level or equivalent, though preference will be given to applicants who hold a masters degree.Only full-time candidates will be considered due to funding constraints.
Applicants must meet the entry criteria for research degrees at Kingston University. More information is available on the research degrees webpage.
How to apply
Read the Studentships Guidelines (PDF).
Initial enquiries may be made by email to the Graduate Research School at grstudentships@kingston.ac.uk.
Applications should include:
- a Studentship Application Form (PDF);
- a Reference Form (PDF) with two references;
- transcripts; and
- a project proposal of 500–1,000 words.
Graduate Research School
Kingston University
River House, 53–57 High Street
Kingston upon Thames
Closing date and interviews
The closing date for receipt of fully completed applications is 12.00noon on Monday 20 June 2011. Interviews will be held between 1 and 15 July 2011.Untuk informasi beasiswa luar negeri ke Inggris program beasiswa ke London 2011 lebih lengkap mengenai PhD Studentship Kingston University London 2011-2012 ini, Anda dapat mengakses website resmi terkait di sini
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