Pertamedika Job Recruitment 2011 - ada lowongan
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Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Pertamedika Job Recruitment 2011

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PT.Pertamina Bina Medika, which is more easily remembered by the word "PERTAMEDIKA" is one of the subsidiaries PT.Pertamina (Persero). Currently the number of units of our business consists of 7 hospitals with various types and advantages, are spread throughout Indonesia that is famous for its brand "Pertamina Hospital" and PERTAMEDIKA Tarakan Hospital (IPM).

7 Namely Pertamina Hospital Central Pertamina Hospital (RSPP), Pertamina Jaya Hospital (RSPJ), RS Pertamina Balikpapan (RSPB), RS Pertamina Cirebon (RSPC), RS Pertamina Prabumulih (RSPPbm), RS Pertamina Tanjung (RSPT), Pertamedika Tarakan Hospital (IPM), its existence is supported by 391 workers in a general practitioner, dental & mouth and physician specialists with expertise in more than 25 types of specialization.

Our business units have been trusted to serve the public, and insurance companies. Recorded at the end of 2009 + / -460 companies have entrusted the health care workers and their families to us by ties of cooperation and + / - 80% of insurance companies in Indonesia have been working with our business units.

Satellite clinics as a referral network

The uniqueness of our products is the completeness of satellite clinics or polyclinics plus a network of reference which are spread throughout Greater Jakarta, Balikpapan, Cirebon and Prabumulih. These facilities help us closer to the customer and the service of a rational and efficient tiered. In Jakarta and surrounding areas we have 18 clinics with a known brand "PMC" stands PERTAMEDIKA MEDICAL CENTER, in Aberdeen we have two satellite clinics in the city of Cirebon and Prabumulih each have 1 unit of Satellite Clinics. By default almost all of our clinics are equipped with general doctors, dentists that are reliable and the completeness of the supporting tools such as: laboratory, X-ray, pharmacy, medical check-up facilities and ambulances. Based on family medicine, our clinic is ready to provide promotive, preventive and curative.

MPPK create a "Managed Care"
Quality control & control of the customer company's health costs

In early 2000 the cost of health care workers getting out of hand, increased and started to become a problem for the company as a guarantor, since that time we began to implement Managed Care Systems in the service of our business units namely QUALITY CONTROL & CONTROL COSTS for enterprise customers. The program is better known by the word "capitation" and so far three major companies namely Retired PT.Pertamina (Persero), Workers and families NGL RHINO PT and PT. Barge has been entrusted entirely to the management of our health budget is proving to be more efficient and effective way to improve the quality of life of workers and the family company.

We created a special management system for the management of these businesses are "MPPK" stands for Management of Health Care Financing.

To facilitate the needs of customers and customer locations throughout Indonesia MPPK has cooperated with + / - 70 hospitals across Indonesia with a view to facilitate access to services to participants or guarantee.

Company Health Services

Of outpatient services and hospitalization, our service has been from the outset to serve the oil companies and families to develop health care products company that consists of:

Medical Evacuation & overseas in
Training Centre in Jakarta and Balikpapan
  • Basic Life Support
  • Team First Aider for the company
  • Emergency Response Plan
  • Medical Evacuation
  • Simulation of Emergency Response Plan and Medical Evacuation
  • Information about workplace accidents from the Social Security Guarantee\
  • Medical Check Up On Site (location companies do subscribers)
  • Delivery of doctors to the location of the company (RIG),
  • Vaccination
First Aid Clinic and On Site Management Clinic
Ambulance Hire

Along with the many requests from individuals and corporate customers to be able to perform operational cooperation in developing the healthcare business by using the Brand "PERTAMEDIKA" we also open ourselves to the parties who want to become a Franchisee Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacies 24 hours.
Our pilot product is PERTAMEDIKA HOSPITAL TARAKAN and Pharmacies 24 Hour Jatiwaringin, Clinic office "Tugu Pratama".

Now Pertamedika  is opening position for

  1. Medical Analysis Laboratory
  2. Medical Administration
  3. Nutrition Experts
  1. Willing to be placed in Balikpapan Pertamina Hospital (RSPB) and hospital Pertamedika Tarakan (IPM)
  2. Max Age 35 Years
  3. Minimum education D3 Laboratorium/D3 Health Record Analyst Medis/D3 Nutrition
Interested candidates please send your complete application to PT Pertamina Bina Medika

Cq. SDM Pertamedika
Jl Kyai Maja No. 43 Gedung H Lt. 6
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12120
Telp : 021-7219001

2 komentar:

  1. berkas terima sampai tgl brp kalo blh saya tau?

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