Proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia declared independence on August 17, 1945 by Proclaimers RI, Ir. Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, as well as to the implementation of the mandated transfer of authority and ownership of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Government of Indonesia. Including, to the nationalization of the two companies and rename them both into PT Asuransi Bendasraya engaged in General Insurance General in rupiah and PT International Underwriters (uIU) which operates in the field of General Insurance in foreign currencies.
Both companies follow the results of nationalization is intended to provide maximum benefit to the community and strengthen security and economy of the country. The policy of nationalization was carried out under the umbrella of law Act No. 86 of 1958 on the Nationalization of Dutch-owned company located in the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
Post-implementation of indigenous policies of nationalization and then later came an initiative to optimize the functions and roles of the two national companies in the face of challenge and fill in the independence era, the Republic of Indonesia.
In its historic journey, through the Minister of Finance No.764/MK/IV/12/1972 dated December 9, 1972, the government of Indonesia decided to do a merger between PT and PT Asuransi Bendasraya General International Underwriters (uIU) to PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) as a State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are engaged in General Insurance business. Ratification of the merger is further confirmed by Mohamad Ali Deed No. 1 dated June 2, 1973.
As one state that has a brilliant business performance in Indonesia, the entire stake in PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) is owned by the Republic of Indonesia. Moreover, the passage of time has proved that PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero) or known by the Insurance Jasindo, does have a powerful experience, long and mature in the field of General Insurance and even since the colonial era. This experience gives the value of its own initiative for the existence and growth of Insurance Jasindo performance to date, so it succeeded in gaining public confidence both at home and abroad.
In presenting a professional service and the best, Insurance Jasindo always uphold the values ​​instilled a corporate culture that is Hone, Mercy and Foster. In addition, the Insurance Services Indonesia is also committed to providing excellent service to meet the satisfaction of the insured. Jasindo insurance also receives support from leading reinsurers around the world, such as Swiss Re and Partner Re, the reinsurance providing back-up, especially the coverage that is mega-risk.
In resolving claims of, commitment to accuracy and speed of Insurance Jasindo no doubt. This is evidenced by the settlement of claims even to be worth trillions of rupiah. Call it for example, claims Apogee Kick Motor Palapa B2 U.S. $ 75 million, BDC Failure Palapa C2 worth U.S. $ 31.2 million, Battery Charging Failure Palapa C2 amounted to U.S. $ 36.5 million, and the Loss of satellites Garuda DB Aces International property up to U.S. $ 101.5 million.
Insurance experience and abilities that invite admiration Jasindo, it has been also recognized by the international rating agency, Standard and Poor's for the category of "Claims Paying Ability" in 1997 with a rating of BBB. Subsequently, in 2009, Insurance Jasindo again gaining recognition as the only company General Insurance national who obtained ratings from rating agency International AM Best, based in Hong Kong and the United States, for the category "Financial Strength Ability" (Stable Outlook) with a rating of B + + Issuer Credit and Ability (Stable Outlook) with a rating of BBB.
Now Jasindo is opening position for Indonesian candidates and all application letter please submit before July 9, 2011. Detail positions, qualifications and how to apply please download the document below.
Jasindo Recruitment 2011
Document Download
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