Penerimaan PT PINDAD Persero - ada lowongan
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Kamis, 22 September 2011

Penerimaan PT PINDAD Persero

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PT. PINDAD is an Indonesian manufacturing industry specializing in military and commercial products. It's activities cover design, development, engineering and fabrication as well as maintenance.

Founded in 1808 as military equipment workshop in Surabaya under the name of Artillerie Constructie Winkel (ACW), this workshop expanded into a factory and after it had undergone same name change, it moved to Bandung in 1923.

The Dutch handed over the factory to Indonesian Goverment on April 29, 1950. Then the said factory was officially named Pabrik Senjata dan Munisi (PSM), means weapon and ammunition factory, and located in where PT. PINDAD lies now.

Since then PT. PINDAD had change into an industry of military tools and equipment under the management of Indonesian Army. PT. PINDAD changed it's status into a state owned company called PT. PINDAD (Persero) on April 29, 1983. The agency change into PT. Pakarya Industri (Persero) and then changed again into PT. Bahana Pakarya Industri Strategis (Persero).

In the year of 2002 ste status of PT. PINDAD (Persero) was again changed by the government, and since then the company is under Kementerian BUMN.

Now, PT PINDAD Persero open position f0r Diploma and Bachelor Degree. Position and detail qualification please find at Lowongan PT PINDAD Persero

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